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Datastore API

Brewblox uses two shared databases: a Victoria Metrics Time-Series Database for history data, and a key/value Redis database for configuration.

We selected Redis because it is a lightweight schemaless database without frills. This works well for us, but we had to add some custom functionality in the API to fully implement desired features.

API service


Service endpoints are documented using Swagger. For comprehensive endpoint documentation, navigate to http://{HOST}/history/api/doc in your browser.

The history service implements the REST-based API wrapper for performing CRUD operations. Services are not supposed to connect to the Redis database itself.

The history service offers the following endpoints:

  • GET /history/datastore/ping
  • POST /history/datastore/get
  • POST /history/datastore/mget
  • POST /history/datastore/set
  • POST /history/datastore/mset
  • POST /history/datastore/delete
  • POST /history/datastore/mdelete


Brewblox uses a namespace-based naming convention to group datastore documents. Namespaces are : separated, and can be nested. The last section of the key is considered the document ID.

A key may include zero, one, or multiple namespaces. Examples of some valid key names:

  • id
  • group:id
  • group:subgroup:id

While it's technically not required, we strongly recommend using a namespace for your data.

Data schema(less)

All documents are expected to be valid JSON objects, and are stored as string. Consequently, the datastore does not support queries based on the content of documents.

Documents must implement the following interface:

interface Document {
  id: string;
  namespace: string;

The id field can only contain letters, numbers, and - / . / _ / ~ characters.

namespace can also include :.

It is valid for namespace to be empty, but not for id.

The relevant regular expressions would be:

  • id: ^[\w\-\.~]+$
  • namespace: ^[\w\-\.~\:]*$
Example documents
  "namespace": "brewblox-ui-store:dashboard-items",
  "id": "117a2504-85b7-43c4-a48d-37bf5d6821cd",
  "feature": "Stopwatch",
  "order": 9,
  "config": {
    "session": null
  "rows": 2,
  "title": "Stopwatch",
  "dashboard": "dashboard-home",
  "cols": 4
  "namespace": "brewblox-global",
  "id": "units",
  "temperature": "degC"
  "namespace": "spark-service",
  "id": "spark-one-service-db",
  "data": {
    "autoconnecting": true,
    "retry_interval": 2

Change events

Whenever an API call changes or deletes document(s), this is published to the eventbus.

The base MQTT topic is brewcast/datastore. Change events are grouped by top-level namespace, and the top-level namespace is appended to the MQTT topic.

For example, if a call to history/datastore/mset changes documents in namespaceA, namespaceA:subgroup and in namespaceB, two separate events are published:

  • brewcast/datastore/namespaceA
  • brewcast/datastore/namespaceB

The payload of change events is a serialized JSON object.

interface ChangeEvent {
  changed: Document[];

interface DeleteEvent {
  deleted: string[]

type DatastoreEvent = ChangeEvent | DeleteEvent;

If the call created or changed one or more documents, the new documents are listed in event.changed.

If the call deleted one or more documents, their full key (namespace + id) is listed in event.deleted.

An event always includes either a change, or a deletion - never both. If no documents were changed or deleted, no event is published.

Example events

Topic: brewcast/datastore/brewblox-global

  "changed": [
      "namespace": "brewblox-global",
      "id": "units",
      "temperature": "degC"

Topic: brewcast/datastore/brewblox-ui-store

  "deleted": [

Avoiding namespace collisions

We strongly recommend picking an explicit namespace that is unique to your service. Do NOT use a generic term such as settings, config or _ as top-level namespace.