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Cross-compilation: Docker Buildx

Date: 2020/03/18


Cross-compilation of Docker images already saw three previous attempts at implementation (original, revisited, base images).

At that point, cross-compilation worked, and every build generated amd64 and arm32 images. The latter had tags prefixed with rpi-.

Multi-architecture images are made possible by using manifests.

When evaluated, manifests were an early-stage experimental feature. The decision was to wait with implementation until the API became sufficiently stable.

What's new

Docker 19.03 added the buildx tool as experimental feature.

Buildx allows building the same image for multiple architectures.

How to

Buildx comes included with Docker CE, but is hidden behind the experimental features flag.

To build an image under Docker CE:

# Buildx is an experimental feature

# Enable the QEMU emulator, required for cross compiling
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

# Remove previous builders
docker buildx rm bricklayer || true

# Create and use a new builder
docker buildx create --use --name bricklayer

# Bootstrap the newly created builder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap

# Build the image for amd and arm
# Give the image a tag
# Push the image to the docker registry
docker buildx build \
    --push \
    --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7 \
    --tag "$REPO":"$TAG" \

Azure Pipelines (and likely many other CI services) don't use Docker CE, but Docker EE, which does not come with a pre-installed version of buildx. You can still download and install it.

To download and install buildx:

curl \
    --output ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx \
    --create-dirs \
    --location \
chmod a+x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx

After this, you can use the same build script. The experimental CLI flag is not required.

Proposed changes to deployment pipelines

  • Stop building emulation-ready base images for node and python
  • Stop publishing PyPi packages for user-facing repositories
  • Re-evaluate use of brewblox-dev when building
    • pro: one-click pipeline updates
    • con: black box for build commands. Custom behavior like the service_args flags is obscured.
  • Tag multi-platform images as both "tag", and "rpi-tag" for a deprecation period. This allows for a more graceful transition to prefix-less images.

Migrating user images

Adding multiple tags to the same image has negligible overhead. We can keep on building both "tag", and "rpi-tag" images. The only difference is that now they're just different names for the same image, and it will be perfectly ok to run rpi- prefixed images on an amd host.

Migrating user configuration

The AMD and ARM versions of docker-compose.shared.yml can be merged: they are functionally the same already. Every update overwrites this file. Migrating it is a straightforward operation.

To spread the impact, we can postpose rewriting tags in docker-compose.yml. Tagging the same image with and without rpi- prefix ensures backwards compatibility for both AMD and ARM setups.